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Seasonal Tips from David Austin Roses

Martin L

Updated: Mar 12, 2023

Feed Your Roses

Feed roses in Late March/ Early April just before the leaves are fully open.


Feeding provides essential nutrients when your rose needs it, ensuring healthy growth and beautiful blooms. It’s a simple task yet is one of the most beneficial jobs you can do to ensure that your roses are at their most healthy and floriferous when summer arrives.


Clear the ground under your rose of old leaves and weeds. Sprinkle feed around the base of the rose, spreading it to the width of the canopy. Gently mix it into the soil and water the area if the ground is dry. Do not be tempted to overfeed. After feeding we recommend mulching your roses in order to suppress weeds, retain moisture and retain valuable nutrients. Spread a 1 – 2” layer of your chosen mulch around the base of the rose and across the width. David Austin’s recommend using Carr’s Organic Soil Improver. Alternatively, you can use a good quality garden compost, composted straw or bark, or well-rotted manure from a local farm (manure must be at least 2 years old, as fresh manure can burn the roots of your roses).

All images owned by David Austin Roses Limited - Copyright holder/David Austin Roses

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